Routes FSM with NFA simulation

Fix me!

Type a route in to the box and click "simulate".

Some fun routes to try: /articles /articles/10/edit.json /articles/new. /articles/new

nfa 2 2 3 3 2->3 . 4 4 2->4 / 70157363934220 /articles(.:format) 2->70157363934220 5 5 5->70157363934220 6 6 8 8 6->8 . 70157363931060 /articles/new(.:format) 6->70157363931060 7 7 9 9 7->9 / 10 10 7->10 . 70157368139280 /articles/:id(.:format) 7->70157368139280 11 11 11->70157363931060 12 12 14 14 12->14 . 70157368141420 /articles/:id/edit(.:format) 12->70157368141420 13 13 13->70157368139280 15 15 15->70157368141420 0 0 1 1 0->1 / 1->2 articles 3->5 (?-mix:[^./?]+) 4->6 new 4->7 (?-mix:[^./?]+) 8->11 (?-mix:[^./?]+) 9->12 edit 10->13 (?-mix:[^./?]+) 14->15 (?-mix:[^./?]+)

This is a FSM for a system that has the following routes: